Neil Oliver tells the epic story of how Britain an将原著占超过一半份额的剧情超浓缩成2小时,简直就像按了快进键!?“救世主被暗杀”的情节被改编了,勉强凑合;出场角色很多但都流于交代剧情形式,例如:泰国和中国黑帮握手言和的情节完全感动不起来,到底要让观众看个啥?d its people came to be ..Neil Oliver tells the epic story of how Britain an将原著占超过一半份额的剧情超浓缩成2小时,简直就像按了快进键!?“救世主被暗杀”的情节被改编了,勉强凑合;出场角色很多但都流于交代剧情形式,例如:泰国和中国黑帮握手言和的情节完全感动不起来,到底要让观众看个啥?d its people came to be over thousands of years of ancient history - the beginnings of our world forged in ice, stone, and bronz A History Of Ancient Britain will turn the spotlight onto the very beginning of Britain’s story. From the last retreat of the glaciers 12,000 years ago, until the departure of the Roman Empire in the Fifth Century AD this epic series will reveal how and why these islands and nations of ours developed as they did and why we have become the people we are today. The first series transmits in early 2011 and there will be a following series in 2012. 第二季将于明年制作播出……详情