In the second series, Adam goes on a date with a girl who smells like Mum, Jonny starts going out with a much older woman, Mum is forced out of the house by a mouse, Dad starts dr..In the second series, Adam goes on a date with a girl who smells like Mum, Jonny starts going out with a much older woman, Mum is forced out of the house by a mouse, Dad starts drying fish in the downstairs mingtian同样拍基层,《光荣的愤怒》是乡野的权力斗争,带着掩不住的的草莽怒气和武气;《背靠背》则是城镇的派系角斗,满口文化道德,在规则的缝隙里汲汲营营跃跃欲试 cupboard, neighbour Jim makes a birthday cake for his dog Wilson, Grandma gets a new boyfriend who no one likes, and we meet Dad's mother - 'Horrible Grandma'...详情