Andrew, (Eugene Simon) on a quest to uncover hidden truths about his fa片中缺少灵魂元素,缺少十恶不赦的恶人,把个绑匪描述成一时困难,又失手杀人的角色,让人恶心!第二,因为恶人的设定矫情,导致受害者绝症妈妈的报复显得如此无力!第三,最终复仇的结果没有达到效果,警察没有贡献,恶人看起来也不..Andrew, (Eugene Simon) on a quest to uncover hidden truths about his fa片中缺少灵魂元素,缺少十恶不赦的恶人,把个绑匪描述成一时困难,又失手杀人的角色,让人恶心!第二,因为恶人的设定矫情,导致受害者绝症妈妈的报复显得如此无力!第三,最终复仇的结果没有达到效果,警察没有贡献,恶人看起来也不恶,那演你么什么呢?别怕给观众和快意恩仇,血债血偿就是正面教育,装孙子,只能是孙子!3.5分,给几个照剧本演,不敢戏霸不敢改剧本的我窝囊顶级演员!mily history, provides a top-secret agency with his DNA in order to discover his ancestry. It's revealed that not only does Andrew have unlocked superhuman powers within his DNA but his grandparents previously participated in a government program that tried to influence human senses. He joins the program onl..详情