In this unique documentary Pope Francis opens the Vatican’s doors to the world, and guides us, with his voice over, discovering his personal and passionate concept of Art: instrum..In this unique documentary Pope Francis opens the Vatican’s doors to the world, and guides us, with his voice over, discovering his personal and passionate concept of Art: instrument of evangelization and opposition to the culture of transitory. In this extraordinary journey, the audience will have the privilege to admire the eternal beauty of the Vatican Museums, 剧情大量留白,慢节奏带出了香港文化保育,移民回流,内地与在港文化的交流与碰撞,高企房价,警察与市民的日常冲突,慢活等众多议题,但到电影最后一秒也没有给这种种画上句点,只是拼绘出了种种的一角…相比聪,小雪的人物没有完全立住,不过本来在这个以港文化为主的题材里,小雪的存在就是个引子罢了Saint Peter’s..详情