An audio-visual postcard that director Viera Čákanyová sends to the future, based on her fictional conversation with her future virtual copy. She playfully and intimately explores..An audio-visual postcard that director Viera Čákanyová sends to the future, based on her fictional conversation with her future virtual copy. She playfully and intimately explores the potential of blockchain technology and artificial intelligence in solving complex man-mad一个还是孩子的女孩在不设防下成为了一个母亲,她坚韧而又善良,孩子在与她的朝夕相处中不断成长,享受着完整的没有时间裂痕的母爱,这是不是房间的房间所赠送给他的礼物,但是随着时间的成长,男孩终究要长大,离开亲人,告别曾经认为是世界的房间,走向更广大的房间!这部影片不仅为我们呈现了一位坚强善良的母亲,也告诉我们,我们终究要告别年幼和庇护,爱也无法独自占有,学会分享和接受!e global problems such as climate change or the crisis of parliamentary democracy. From a curious and critical perspective, she questions the ideal techno-optimistic model of the future and offers a window into an unspecified future where some technologies behave randomly or negatively. By combining super 8, 16mm footage on film stock, special lidar scan technology and point cloud methods, she highlights the tension between analogue and digital future of humanity详情