A retelling of Sir Ernest Shackleton 's ill-fated expedition to Antarctica in 1914-1916, featuring new footage of the actual locations and interviews with surviving relatives ..
A retelling of Sir Ernest Shackleton 's ill-fated expedition to Antarctica in 1914-1916, featuring new footage of the actual locations and interviews with surviving relatives of key expedition members, plus archived audio i弗洛伦丝对爱德华到底是不是真爱,我不知道;爱德华答应弗洛伦丝回酒店会不会挽回这段感情,我不知道;我只知道人生有时真的那么残酷,那么伤人,那么令人捶胸顿足,那么令人痛不欲生nterviews with expedition members, and a generous helping of the footage and still photos shot on the expedition