整台晚会众星云集,艺术家们用丰富多彩的语言表演形式,声情并茂的舞台演绎,为观众呈现了一场精彩绝伦的视听 You were to be a legend here. Now the young ones don’t even know your name. How does that feel? - I was born as a dancer in thi..整台晚会众星云集,艺术家们用丰富多彩的语言表演形式,声情并茂的舞台演绎,为观众呈现了一场精彩绝伦的视听 You were to be a legend here. Now the young ones don’t even know your name. How does that feel? - I was born as a dancer in this theatre. That will always be part of me, like Russia. But for 8 yrs I’ve been free.盛宴。详情