This documentary promoting the joys of life in a Soviet village centers around the activities of the Young Pioneers. These children are constantly busy, pasting propaganda posters..This documentary promoting the joys of life in a Soviet village centers around the activities of the Young Pioneers. These children are constantly busy, pasting propaganda posters on walls, distributing hand bills, exhorting all to "buy from the cooperative" as opposed to the Public Sector, promoting temperance, and helping poor widows. Experimental portions of the film,塞利格曼在谈话中肯定乔作为一个女性反抗男权社会,却在最后同样企图与乔发生性关系,乔杀掉塞利格曼,她的生活从此毁灭 projected in reverse, feature the un-slaughtering of a bull and the un-baking of bread详情