The plot is set during the Balkan war in the early nineties. Haunted by horrible nigh这个故事则更像披着奇幻的皮,来讲述一个人文气息很浓,很温情的故事,当然,她不是童话里的温蒂妮,童话回归到了现实,但还是像个童话tmares, Harlan Draka wanders th..The plot is set during the Balkan war in the early nineties. Haunted by horrible nigh这个故事则更像披着奇幻的皮,来讲述一个人文气息很浓,很温情的故事,当然,她不是童话里的温蒂妮,童话回归到了现实,但还是像个童话tmares, Harlan Draka wanders the countryside, shamelessly making money pretending to be a Dampyr (half-human and half-vampire) ridding villages of what the villagers naively believe to be evil monsters. But, when he is summoned by soldiers who are under attack by real vampires, Harlan finds out..详情