DI Colette Cunningham's no nonsense approach to policing has earned her the respect of her Merseyside Police colleagues. She seems unflappabl1 每当剧情推进不下去了的时候我就会想 啊导演又要让给贝利开小号 结..DI Colette Cunningham's no nonsense approach to policing has earned her the respect of her Merseyside Police colleagues. She seems unflappabl1 每当剧情推进不下去了的时候我就会想 啊导演又要让给贝利开小号 结果果不其然 2 看得出导演为了把这俩青梅竹马凑一块儿煞费苦心 把人家的正牌男友女友都写成了渣男渣女而且人物形象单薄扁平可以说是渣得毫无来由 恕我直言这俩人都是啥眼神 赶紧在一起吧就别祸害别人(和狗)啦 PS 实在搞不懂男主在有女票的情况下还带妹子回家住这件事 出去逛还堂而皇之地跟女主走在一起 人家女票没当场翻脸已经很有涵养了 这只会让我觉得女主很绿茶 而男主很渣……最后,这两星都是给狗演员们的e, until she gets a call from the Garda in Dublin after the body of a young woman is discovered详情