This film takes place in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. Matic lives in a large neighbourhood of concr李翰祥 嚴俊 李麗華 杨志卿 剛拿到金馬終身成就獎的田豐先生在這里混個將軍甲,絕無不敬之意,證明他演出戲之多.比起日版這次不惜工本,雕欄玉砌應猶在..This film takes place in Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. Matic lives in a large neighbourhood of concr李翰祥 嚴俊 李麗華 杨志卿 剛拿到金馬終身成就獎的田豐先生在這里混個將軍甲,絕無不敬之意,證明他演出戲之多.比起日版這次不惜工本,雕欄玉砌應猶在-實被安祿山燒了,只是朱顏改-連人都不在.李小姐演得倒象是她另一部-武則天,她高大,氣場大,結局也改成是她和軍兵談判,皇上喜音律對愛情倒不夠專一.ete blocks of flats with his mother. As his father is temporarily working in Libya, they live alone. Matic's otherwise monotonous life changes dramatically when he is chosen to feature in a film. At the shooting he meets Milena, a girl his own age whom he begins to like. When the shooting is over, the film company gives him a present, a huge black Newfoundlander. Although his mother is not really pleased about it, Matic brings the dog home. And that is just the beginning of their adventures... - IMD详情