An old mirror from the haunted Long Island house finds its way into a photographer's family where the evil soon manifests itself to cause mor电影看的很无聊,虽然立意还挺深刻的~但是不知不觉已经看不进这样的片子了,还是..An old mirror from the haunted Long Island house finds its way into a photographer's family where the evil soon manifests itself to cause mor电影看的很无聊,虽然立意还挺深刻的~但是不知不觉已经看不进这样的片子了,还是朝着庸俗化发展呢!其实真没有太多印象深刻的镜头,还没有之前那部同样讲伊朗的逃离德黑兰来的更爽快,主题两个都差不多,里面的英语真的是听够了==e terror and mayhem.详情