Directed by filmmaker and scientist Christ最近有少许焦虑和不安对于还不开学的事情,星期天的晚上 虽然今天没有完成定下的任务 但是Yolo(you only live once)好吧本来打及时行乐还好,这么一说又觉得自己太不应该了…不过适当的放松,希望自己能够打起精神来!⛽️加油8⃣️ ps^今年决定记录下看过的电影..Directed by filmmaker and scientist Christ最近有少许焦虑和不安对于还不开学的事情,星期天的晚上 虽然今天没有完成定下的任务 但是Yolo(you only live once)好吧本来打及时行乐还好,这么一说又觉得自己太不应该了…不过适当的放松,希望自己能够打起精神来!⛽️加油8⃣️ ps^今年决定记录下看过的电影和书?,虽然这不是今年看的第一部 但是就此开始?&其实真的看过蛮多?在集训期间i Cooper, YOUTH v. GOV is the story of America's youth taking on the world's most powerful government. In 2015, twenty one young plaintiffs, ages 8 to 19, filed the lawsuit Juliana vs. United States, asserting a willful violation of their constitutional rights in creating our climate crisis. If they're successful, they'll not only make ..详情