In re-viewing our super eight films, shot between 1972 and 1981, it occurred to me that they comprised not only a family archive but a testimony to the pastimes, lifestyle and asp..In re-viewing our super eight films, shot between 1972 and 1981, it occurred to me that they comprised not only a family archive but a testimony to the pastimes, lifestyle and aspirations of a social class in the decade after 1968. I [105min America]从当代的审美视角来看,这部电影中的人物关系是如此的狗血和不靠谱,完全可以把它看成一部戏耍虔诚的天主教徒的不友好的电影,为什么虔诚朴实有带一些理想化的天主教徒会被安排一个这样的爱情结局,喜欢上一个从良的小三,很难以令人接受wanted to incorporate these silent images into a story which combined the intimate with the social and with history, to convey the taste and colour of those years详情