A couple of Australians introduce three American backpackers to the local legend of Lemon Tree Passage where a ghost of a motorcyclist 找个张艺谋一类的之人导演过来拍拍,那骨子里的奴颜婢膝和纯粹爹味又要给添油加醋地叠加上去了..A couple of Australians introduce three American backpackers to the local legend of Lemon Tree Passage where a ghost of a motorcyclist 找个张艺谋一类的之人导演过来拍拍,那骨子里的奴颜婢膝和纯粹爹味又要给添油加醋地叠加上去了——毕竟在汉人世界观里,时代中的大家族往往都是对内施展爹意好不威风,对外又低卑下作生怕惹事耐不住官家和君王的撺掇warns young drivers to slow down. After seeing the ghost first hand they uncover a malevolent force that posses the area and threatens to wreak havoc on the final days of their vacation. Isolated and ten thousand miles from home, the tourists find themselves caught in the clutches of an evil force much more heinous than the local myth believed.详情