Ellenor is called to the house of her close friend, Senator Keith Ellison, where she finds the dead body of a man in his bed. The senator claims to shooting the man, thinking he w..Ellenor is called to the house of her close friend, Senator Keith Ellison, where she finds the dead body of a man in his bed. The senator claims to shooting the man, thinking he was raping his wife, not realizing they're actually having an affair. In a sensational trial, full of twists and turns, Helen and new ADA Alan Lowe try to prove the senator murdered the man in3.5 类似于《这个男人来自地球》的单幕局,只是这次大家没有围在火炉边上讨论历史宗教文化心理这些哲学系的问题,而是在一个雨夜两口子和两警察围绕着种族歧视Black or White,我儿子虽然是黑人但是被我教育的很好,你儿子真的犯错了,不你就歧视我儿子,我儿子不可能犯错.......立意很高,但是通篇的对话没有把立意凸显出,刚开始看到挺惊艳,但是越到后面越觉得有一种嚼口香糖的无味和厌烦感 a fit of rage - but no one is ready for the real truth behind this crime详情