Follows Death Row inmates, who tell the story of how they ended up there S1, Ep1 Justin Dickens S1, Ep2 Deandra Buchanan S1, Ep3 Miguel Angel Martinez S1, Ep4 Robert Shafer S..Follows Death Row inmates, who tell the story of how they ended up there S1, Ep1 Justin Dickens S1, Ep2 Deandra Buchanan S1, Ep3 Miguel Angel Martinez S1, Ep4 Robert Shafer S1, Ep5 Kenneth Foster S1, Ep6 Chuck Thompson S1, Ep7 Wayne Doty S1, Ep8 David Lee Lewiss. S顺便吐槽一下香港房价,越南难民胡越尚且住的起空间较大的标间,如今连油尖旺房价都不亚于北京二环内,哪有那么多年轻人买的起!1, Ep9 James Robertson S1, Ep10 Joshua Nelson详情