Directed by Florence Miailhe, a specialist of animated painting and winner of the 2002 César for her short film Au premier dimanche d’août, The Crossing is her first feature film,..Directed by Florence Miailhe, a specialist of animated painting and winner of the 2002 César for her short film Au premier dimanche d’août, The Crossing is her first feature film, whol83我挺喜欢的前半部分很严肃一度分不清演员的脸名字和关系 后半段很松弛 看了让人觉得谁在意竞选谁在意书会不会消失 谈恋爱就好了 最后的聚会每个人都很轻松自在氛围太好了 喜欢的几个地方 一是你不想说些他品味不好什么的吗 不想 你就改啊 二不要写到小说里(换我我也忍不住不写啊)三笑着问你也出轨了吗ly painted. Written with bestselling French writer Marie Desplechin, the script is about two children on the roads of exile.详情