On leave in a shore side town, Johnny becomes interested in a young dark haired woman. They meet and he learns that she plays a mermaid in the local carnival. After strange occurr..On leave in a shore side town, Johnny becomes interested in a young dark haired woman. They meet and he learns that she plays a mermaid in the local carnival. After strange occurrences, Johnny begins to believe that she may actually be a real mermaid that habit烂到了土里面了,六岁开始进行非人训练的L,就算没有日版那么聪明,至少心态要过关吧,听到渡死了的消息,连自己是谁都不知道了,所有的判断都是靠直觉,还一副啥都知道的样子,没有一点逻辑性夜神月除了最后的推理有些出彩,其他时候就像一个工具人一样ually kills during the cycle of the full moon详情